Sonia Novick

Relationship Expert - Certified Remote Viewer- Certified NLP Life Coach


Certified Spiritual NLP Life Coach

Who can literally give you insights on all aspects of your life with her natural intuitive, remote viewing skills and life experiences, Sonia Novick can see into matters concerning your financial, relationship, health and wellness, career matters, and much more! And, Sonia goes far above a life coaching session, by providing spiritual life coaching, i.e. counseling that gets to the very heart of your matters, centering on exactly who you are at the quantum and soul level.

Uncover co-creating the destiny you desire NOW, with Coach Sonia, who has assisted 1000’s to find the right path to fit their “life map”. Taking spiritual life coaching to amazing new levels, Sonia goes way beyond the normal definition of “citified life coach” or “spiritual life coaching” by applying her innate, natural skills as an intuitive healer, clairvoyant, and remote viewer (like a spiritual private eye!) to your quantum field, in order to uncover your perfect life path at every level!

CloseDegrees and Qualifications:

My Credentials in chronological order-

• Silva Mind Control Institute, Graduate (Mexico City, Mexico) (1971).

• Bachelor of Arts, Paris Academy of Art (Paris, France) (1979).

• Neuro-Linguistic Programming Certification – Anthony Robbins Institute (1998).

• Core Quantum Method Healing Energetics Certification (2003).

• Managing Dir. of and OBELLC since (2007).

• Ordained Minister and Dir of AVATAR GROUP UNIVERSE~CITY SOCIETY Ministry (2009).

• Managing Dir. Living Sea Organics LLC, a health supplement company (2012).

• Academy Of Remote Viewing & Influencing Reality, Graduate Certified RV-RI (2013).

• Globally Certified Life Coach – Level – Expert– by Expert Rating (2016)

• Director and Producer of “Surfing the Cosmic Waves,” a live and interactive internet radio show where we explore our multidimensional, true and Divine Nature!

• Published Author of ©“WE ALL GO TO HEAVEN When We Stop Creating Our Own Hells”


Sonia Novick is originally from Mexico City, where she was born and raised, so she considers herself Mexican by nationality, but primarily part of the global community.

She was born with these Psychic; Quantum Healing, Remote Viewing Skills and Channeling Gifts, which I have developed over my lifetime for over 55 years. She is a multi-talented and multidimensional in the work that she preforms as a Certified Spiritual NLP Life Coach, Remote Viewer and psychic Intuitive.

Sonia has lived through 2 Near Death Experiences, where she actually died and resuscitated herself twice. From the time she was 5 years old, her family called her a “little adivinadora” (the translation in Spanish means “Intuitive”) due to all of her unexplainable, powerful clairvoyant, Remote Viewer, clairsentient, precognitive and clairaudient abilities at such a young age.

She is a Trans-Channel, author, Internet Radio Show host personality. Sonia is also an author, teacher of the New & Ancient Mystery Schools, channeler of the highest realms of consciousness, and multidimensional life coach & mentor to many.

Her channeled “AVATAR GROUP” assists us ALL in this place we call EARTH, by offering words of advice, direction and insights, opening blocked energy centers within the body, etc.

With Sonia, you may attune and activate your DNA strands into fully-operating 12 or 24 DNA STRANDS, manifest healing on multiple levels, such as mind, body, spirit, and soul as well as find your own self-realization in personal and business affairs, relationship issues, and much more.

The most rewarding aspect of Sonia’s practice: Is how profoundly i can assist someone that truly desires help and guidance in changing their stars, their luck, their destiny, their direction in life. And, truly being a seer advisor that they trust and know that I can guide them through events in their life over and over with amazing accuracy and with such ease and grace. This is THE most rewarding part of my practice- when I can be the catalyst to transformation in their lives, thereby offering them stimulating and awakening insights which will cause them to shift their energy, thereby experiencing a different outcome or result in all areas of their lives!

If your seeking final remedy from these old habitual patterns and are ready to do this profound transformation work in order to free yourself in order to start living your life and experiencing living where the appearance of miracles abound by living your potential, best highest life desired outcomes then take the challenge with me and let’s get your life Starting Now!

Message me here for details or book your sessions on BitWine today!

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Languages: English

Media: Audio Call, Video Call

Local Time: (GMT-08:00) June 02, 2024, 09:41AM

Location: Ashland Oregon  (Find on Google Maps)

Last seen: more than a month ago

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8 Reviews: 6 Excellent 0 Satisfactory 2 Unsatisfactory

06 Jul 2016 excellent ranking laurelle

Thanks for the reading. I got locked out and could not type any further. Bitwine issues!!!! :(

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02 Jul 2016 excellent ranking renaye


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23 Jun 2016 excellent ranking zac87

The best on bitwine

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20 Apr 2016 excellent ranking laurelle

Thanks. Great chat!

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16 Apr 2016 excellent ranking Cole (unregistered)

Great reading and accurate thx Sonia

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