God Will Catch You

over 11 years ago

Louise Hay, the wonderful author and motivational speaker once said, “We teach best what we need to learn.”

Interesting, because one of my most challenging soul lessons in this lifetime has been to trust the flow of life & ask for help when I need it: 0 )

Consequently, I routinely attract clients that are experiencing this lesson.

It’s a great reminder because while doing the readings I learn & grow with my clients.

I often find that when we have difficulty asking for help it comes from a fear of losing control.

We don’t want to appear weak, incompetent, or vulnerable. So, we constantly handle everything ourselves and feel burnt out in the process.

It can be frustrating when we look around and see no support in sight.

Still, the challenge comes from creating the support system we need.

If we want help we have to feel the fear and ask for assistance anyway.

Fear is just a signal that we’re moving out of our comfort zone and beginning to change.

Change can be quite scary but it is also necessary. How else will we grow?

The beauty of it is, we can take baby steps.

Begin by letting someone open the door for you or help carry your bags.

Accept the help whether you need it or not because your physical action sends out a signal to the universe that you want support and accept now.

As we begin to accept help with little things, bigger things begin to fall into place.

It’s also important to learn on others when we are hurting.

If family & friends will not support you, consider talking to a minister, rabbi, or counselor.

Online connections are beautiful, but face to face conversations are extremely helpful.

Did you know that most colleges and university offer affordable counseling sessions on a sliding scale?

Those same colleges and universities often have support groups for people of all ages to learn, grow, and heal.

It just takes a little detective work: 0 )

But if we want support it really is out there.

This world is a big beautiful place, and we need each other.

There will always be people who let us down, but there also people around to lift us up.

If you are a kind, caring person, there must be more like you.

You can’t be the only one on the planet right?

Just trust the process & know that the creator works through people.

God will catch you!

All My Love


over 11 years ago
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Psychic Vicci (psychicvicci)

29 posts

don’t you just loveeee Louise Hay