Sebastian Armada

Sebastian Armada - 30 years experience in relationship troubles and an expert in psychology.


I am Sebastian Armada. For the past 30 years I have been traveling the world helping clients with their love life issues by channeling into their own subconscious minds. It is known that we all have the answers to our own problems but many do not grasp how to translate them from deep within. I serve as a mirror for you to look at who you really are and judge if that is who you want to be. By communicating with you for a brief moment I can channel into your aura and allow you to speak to yourself in a 3rd person perspective. This type of psychic psychology therapy has proven to be the most effective way to heal and find answers to problems that have plagued anyone who has tried it. I also have the ability to dive into the subconscious of another person by tapping into your own experiences and relationship with them to allow you to find the answers you seek. I am thrilled to have recently been introduced to Bitwine by a client who felt I could touch more souls in the same way I’ve touched them. Care to chat? :)

CloseDegrees and Qualifications:

I have always felt that life can not be known with a degree. For that reason I have tread off the beaten path and learned the ways of the world and the spirit world not through a school but through my own experiences and common sense. This has endowed me with knowledge, insight, wisdom and a perspective truly unique to me.


30+ years of traveling the world honing my gift. I’ve studied Shaolin Kung fu and Tai Chi for 10 years and have been able to use the zen clarity that Shaolin Monks are trained with to master my psychic talents through meditation and self awareness exploration and because of my 20+ years of psychology and philosophy training I’ve been able to pierce through the veil of the other side and break it down to a science which has given me the ability to offer the services you are in need of today.

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Media: Audio Call,

Local Time: (GMT-05:00) June 02, 2024, 10:58AM


Last seen: more than a month ago

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