Renee sanders

love relation


I have been working with my psychic empathic abilities. I also use the tarot cards to give me the extra confirmation about the information that I receive and then pass this message to you. The readings I give may help you change and create whatever you are seeking in life. As a reader, I do feel that God himself gave us free-will and we can do and change anything in our lives. My readings are a combination of psychology, general knowledge, and predictions. My psychic readings have brought peace to many whom I have read for.

CloseDegrees and Qualifications:

Psychic and Clairvoyant for over 7 years. I have also worked and still do contract work for many other psychic networks(cannot say here on Bitwine) Tested in clairvoyancy, mediumship, and remote viewing. Bitwine Expert I am able through the spirits and my psychic abilities to see the future and predict what will take place next for you. Whether it be when they will call back, how soon, how they feel or what they want, I can help! I have found that being negative or angry can bring about hopelessness. It’s really important to learn to focus on the things that you want in order to attract them to you. I can help you do that by showing you what is ahead and telling you how to manifest it to you in the best way possible if only you ask if you are curious to know of course.


Find out how he or she truly feels about YOU! Please be aware that if you ask me frank questions sometimes I will respond with a frank answer, not too hurt you or be rude but to be honest with what is shown too me. Please be prepared too hear the truth when you come too me. I am straight forward. Sometimes people will get angry with me because the reading isn’t what they wanted too hear. I am not here too sugar coat your reading. So please don’t punish the messenger when its not what you want too hear, when Spirit gives me information I am obligated to relay the message. I am a very kind and professional reader and work very hard to get you the reading you deserve and pay for. Please also note that I WILL not lower my fee unless I am running a special. My regular clients get discounted rates only. Once you have become a client of mine, you will benefit from my lower discounts. My guarantee is that your time won’t be wasted and I will get the reading to you as quickly as possible(I do not type slow, I type like the average person you will see that).**I give the truth about what I see no matter if its good or bad. My methods won’t just leave you hurting if the news is bad. I will also share with you which paths you can take to either change or move on to the next level in your life. I tell you how to correct some of the obstacles. I give you exact facts. If they are cheating I will tell you with whom, if they love you I will give you details. I pride myself in honesty. I have repeat business due to honest and accuracy. I also do dream interpretation, and communicate with deceased relatives. Please give me a call. My readings reflect what is most likely to happen given the circumstances of the recent past and present that have led up to the situation. I will assist you in finding a path that will lead to a more desired outcome.

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Media: Audio Call,

Local Time: (GMT-08:00) June 02, 2024, 10:00AM


Last seen: more than a month ago

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